Community & Business
6 July, 2022
Atherton Show results
Note: This is just a small selection of the 2022 show results.

Halter Classes - Horses
Champion Australian Stock Horse: Samantha LeBrocq.
Champion Quarter Horse: Krystal Fitchett.
Champion Arab Tony Harper Memorial Perpetual Trophy: Victoria Bartlett. Supreme Champion of Show - Jim Hill Memorial: Victoria Bartlett.
Champion Australian National Saddle Horse: Victoria Bartlett.
Grand Champion Horse of Show: Victoria Bartlett.
Champion Thoroughbred: Natalie Jones
Halter Classes - Ponies
Champion Australian Welsh and Connemara: Samantha Le Brocq.
Grand Champion Pony of Show: Samantha Le Brocq.
Champion Riding Pony: Michelle Machan.
Riding Classes
Grand Champion Rider: Kerby Siemsen Hacks.
Reserve Champion Galloway Hack: Tassanne Hulton.
Champion Galloway Hack: Kerby Siemsen.
Champion Hack: Kerby Siemsen.
Tropical Breeds
Junior Champion Female - Tropical Breeds: Atherton State High School.
Calf Champion Bull - Tropical Breeds: Atherton State High School.
Junior Champion Bull - Tropical Breeds, Grand Champion Bull - Tropical Breeds, Senior Champion Bull - Tropical Breeds, Calf Champion Female - Tropical Breeds, Grand Champion Female - Tropical Breeds, Reserve Senior Champion Female - Tropical Breeds, Senior Champion Female - Tropical Breeds:All won by Kellie Williams.
European & British Breeds
Junior Champion Bull - European & British Breeds, Grand Champion Bull - European & British Breeds, Senior Champion Bull - European & British Breeds, Calf Champion Female - European and British Breeds, Grand Champion Female - European & British Breeds, Junior Champion Female - European & British Breeds: All won by the Kidd Family.
Senior Champion Female - European & British Breeds: Kidd Family Small Breeds.
Supreme Champion Stud Beef Female: Kidd Family.
Grand Champion Bull - Small Breeds: Malanda SHS
Junior Champion Bull - Small Breeds: Malanda SHS.
Grand Champion Female - Small Breeds: Malanda SHS.
Senior Champion Female - Small Breeds: Malanda SHS.
Supreme Champion Stud Beef Bull: Kellie Williams.
Grand Champion Bird of Show - Ken Offord Memorial Perpetual: Laurie Austin.
Champion Large Fowl of Show: Laurie Austin.
Shirley Pink Memorial - Trophy Keeper: Taylor Family.
Best Surface Vegetable of Show: Taylor Family.
Best Root Vegetable of Show: Taylor Family.
Best Citrus Fruit of Show: Ged & Cathy Brander.
Best Fruit of Show: Lorraine Ryan.
Best Culinary of Show: The Brick Boys.
Best Home Produce of Show: Emelia Castino.
Best Farm Produce of Show: Emelia Castino.
Best Cut Flower: Michael Robinson.
Best Rose: Taylor Children 2022.
Best Non-native Shrub: Michael Robinson.
Most Successful Exhibitor Australian Native Flower: Christine Evans.
Best Native Flower: Juliet and Alex Radke.
Best Potted Fern: Megan Moerman.
Best Potted Foliage: Leanne Thomas.
Champion Pot Plant: Coral Milloy.
Champion Bloom of Show - Shirley Kilpatrick Trophy: Michael Robinson.
Grand Champion Orchid of Show - Henry Marnock Memorial: Noel Grundon
Greatest Number of Points - LC Moody Memorial Special Award: Noel Grundon.
Champion Open Floral Art: Donna Kattenberg
Champion Novice Floral Art: Andrew La Spina-Knowlton
Champion Junior Floral Art: Andrew La Spina-Knowlton
Best Embroidery: Olga Castino.
Best Crochet Work: Toni Pelka.
Best Knitting: Jayne Nicolson-Corcoran.
Best Miscellaneous Needlework: Janet Taylor.
Best Overall Toy: Marlene Russo.
Best Quilt: Janice Stroud.
Best Experienced Patchwork: Helen Vit.
Best Novice Patchwork: Emma Baker.
Best Applique: Elizabeth Milroy.
Grand Champion Needlework: Helen Vit.
Champion Monochrome Print: Kirsten Ramm.
Champion Colour Print: Johanna Marie Hastie.
Champion Primary School Photography: Ruby Stockman.
Champion Secondary School Photography: Emily Krummel.
Champion Art of Show: Tracey Jane.
Best Open 2-Dimensional Art: Tracey Jane.
Best Textile: Sandra Burchill.
Best Open 3-Dimensional Art: Rae Delai.
Best Exhibitor Kindergarten Prep: Skyla Flegler.
Best Exhibitor Primary School Tracey Nott Memorial: Silas Crothers.
Best Secondary School Art Alf Stewart Memorial: Jemma Denigan.
Most Innovative Woodwork LA Croft Memorial: Marie Beckwith.
Best Woodwork Overall: Anthony Alan Fleming.
People's Choice: Anthony Alan Fleming.
Champion of Champions: Darryl Cooper Best.
Fibre Craft: Nataschia Wilisch.
Best Overall Scrapbooking: Patricia Docker.
Best Paper Craft: Shona Barter.
Best Special Interest Craft: Marlene Russo.
Note: This is just a small selection of the 2022 show results.