
On The Land

26 March, 2023

Avo market access to India a ‘game changer’

AVOCADOS Australia is very excited to have achieved market access for Australian Hass avocados to India, with chief executive officer John Tyas describing the move as a “game changer” for the industry

Photo 28210814 / Avocado © Minyun Zhou |
Photo 28210814 / Avocado © Minyun Zhou |

."With the industry now capable of producing a strong supply of Hass avocados, having access to an overseas market such as India will be a ‘game changer’ for our industry,” he said.

“We acknowledge that final approval of the protocol will be dependent on 10 successful trial shipments, and we are very confident we can achieve that.

“We believe there are great opportunities for Aus-tralian avocados in India and it is a market with enor-mous growth potential.”

Avocados Australia believes that Australia’s proximity to the Indian market is very favourable when compared with their competitors.

The Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA) entered into force on 29 December 2022 and, with it, came the new trade opportunity for the Australian avocado industry.

“The recently agreed tar-iff reductions for Australian avocados also strengthens our competitive position in this market,” Mr Tyas said.

“Avocados Australia believes that access to this large and growing market will bring renewed opti-mism for many Australian avocado growers.”

Mr Tyas commended the Australian Government on its efforts in achieving the outcome for the Australian avocado Industry.

“The Australian Govern-ment has worked very hard and closely with industry to achieve a commercially vi-able and workable protocol that all Australian Hass avocado growers will be able to use,” he said.

“Avocados Australia would also like to acknowledge the efforts of industry players who have supported the government through this process.”


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