Community & Business
23 December, 2023
Big projects set to boost water network
WATER reliability, supply and quality are continuing to improve in the Tablelands region, with two tenders worth more than $11.5 million approved at the last meeting of the year for Tablelands Regional Council.

FGF Developments Pty Ltd were awarded the contract for the Malanda Integrated Water Supply project for $8.32 million, while CivilPlus Constructions Pty Ltd was awarded the contract for the Yungaburra Raw Water Replacement project for $3.24 million.
Mayor Rod Marti said the two tenders were evidence of council’s ongoing commitment to improving water supplies to cater for rapid growth in the region.
“The Malanda project will connect the Johnstone River Estate and Peeramon water supply scheme to Malanda’s scheme, which has greater reliability and quality security,” he said.
“The project includes design and construction of a 3.19 megalitre reservoir on Glen Allyn Road, and a 4km pipeline from the reservoir to the existing reservoir on Mathers Road.
“Thankfully we planned ahead and the Malanda water treatment plant can accommodate this additional load, including the developments in the Davies Road area,” Mayor Marti said.
The Yungaburra project involves the detailed design, construction and replacement of the water intake pontoon on Lake Tinaroo and associated infrastructure to replace the ageing and non-compliant facilities.
The existing pontoon is more than 20 years old and is showing significant signs of deterioration and at risk of failure, according to a council report.
Both contracts include additional expenditure for added purchases and contingencies.
Mayor Marti said the latest works come on top of council’s ongoing project for a 13km pipeline to connect Millstream Estate to the new Ravenshoe reservoir, and construction of a new water treatment plant.
“When this project is complete, regular boil water notices for Ravenshoe and Millstream will be a thing of the past,” he said.
In last week’s deluge, council had to send out another boil water notice for residents of the Millstream area.
The Yungaburra Raw Water Replacement project is funded by the Queensland Government’s Local Government Grants Subsidy Program in association with Tablelands Regional Council.