Community & Business
12 June, 2022
Board basics course travels the Gulf Savannah
ONE-day free courses for people who are members of boards or committees will be held next week in Mareeba, Georgetown and Normanton.

The free courses will be hosted by Gulf Savannah NRM and facilitated by Get On Board Australia founder Lisa Cook deliver a “Board Basics” course for current, new and aspiring board and committee members.
Get On Board Australia focuses on developing the corporate governance skills and the business, strategic and financial acumen of new and aspiring company directors.
Course participants will develop skills, knowledge and confidence in becoming a board member and will learn what their rights and responsibilities are.
“Serving on a board or management committee is an extremely rewarding experience,” Ms Cook said.
“And because it’s such an important role in the community, the best thing you can do is go in with your eyes wide open – knowing what you’re getting into and knowing what you need to do and how to do it.”
She said many essential not-for-profit and community-based organisations across the region were facing a recruitment and succession crisis, as they simply did not have enough new people coming forward to fill vacant board and committee positions.
This had far-reaching consequences for the social and economic fabric of our communities, as it leads to a decline in both the governance and capacity of key services and community networks in remote and rural areas.
Anyone involved in community organisations is encouraged to register online at or call Gulf Savannah NRM on 4092 1088.
The courses will be held in Mareeba on Monday 13 June, Normanton on Wednesday 15 June, and Georgetown on Friday 17 June.