Community & Business
5 July, 2022
Chillagoe water restrictions ease after 5 years
FOR the first time since 2017, Chillagoe residents will not be under Level 3 water restrictions after major works improved supply to the town.

The town has been under restrictions for five years because existing bores were struggling to meet the minimum service requirements.
“Council implemented Level 3 water restrictions almost five years ago as the town's drinking water supply did not meet the minimum requirements and the town was at risk of running out of water in times of disaster,” Mareeba Deputy Mayor Kevin Davies explained.
The town was previously serviced by two 190 kilolitre water reservoirs which were leaking, and a bore which was running dry.
Now, thanks to $1.1 million in funding from the Federal and State Governments has enabled a new reservoir to be constructed which provides an increased capacity of 500 kilolitres.
In addition, Mareeba Shire Council attracted $2.115 million from both governments to install a new bore and pipeline which has given the town a reliable water supply.
Chillagoe Alliance president John Nethery has welcomed the news.
“Chillagoe has waited patiently for these restrictions to be lifted and we are incredibly relieved to hear this news,” he said.
“Small businesses and mining, tourism and beef are the mainstays of the economy. Water security is vital for these industries and for the wellbeing of the community.”
Mareeba Mayor Angela Toppin said council had lobbied hard to secure the funding from the State and Federal Governments.
“Residents and businesses can now enjoy security of water supply, without restriction, for years to come,” she said.