
Community & Business

22 July, 2023

Driveway policy endorsed

A POLICY that ensures driveways and crossovers to private properties are made good after roadworks has been endorsed by Tablelands Regional Council.

Driveway policy endorsed - feature photo

Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Cardew raised the matter with council in January, saying he had been contacted by a number of property owners who had been left unable to properly access their land after roadworks were undertaken by the council.

At the time, Cr Cardew said he was aware of at least three incidents where residents had complained they could no longer access their property after works were done by council.

At its recent meeting, council endorsed a new policy that guarantees that any driveway or crossover that is impacted by council works will be restored or re-constructed to ensure the existing level of access to the property is maintained at the competition of the work.

A suitably qualified council officer will be charged with determining whether the driveway crossover has been diminished, worsened or adversely affected by the works.

A report to council stated that the policy may actually benefit some property owners.

“It may provide additional benefit to private property owners who don’t have a permitted and compliant driveway crossover, which at the time of road and roadside drainage works requires upgrading by TRC to maintain safe vehicle access, as they will receive a compliant driveway crossover at the expense of the general ratepayers of the TRC local government area,” it stated.


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