Community & Business
4 November, 2022
First nominations in for 2023 race
NOMINATIONS for the 2023 The Great Wheelbarrow Race have already started flooding in and the organising committee is pleased to see new names populating the team lists.

Next year will be the 20th anniversary of the historic 140km race and five team nominations have al-ready been submitted.
Great Wheelbarrow Race committee chair Locky Bensted said most the teams that have already regis-tered are names that either haven’t been seen before or not for many years.
Cr Bensted is hoping the strong number of early nominations is a good indication of a bigger and better race in 2023.
“Four of those five teams did not run last year so that is an indication we are possibly getting some new teams together or teams that run years ago,” he said.
“If you are thinking about wanting to run the race as a solo, due, trio or in a team, you had better get your nominations in now.”
For the 20-year anniversary of the event the committee is hoping to invite past winners and committee members who initially started the race 20 years ago to help present on the final race day in Chillagoe.
For more information and to nominate, visit