
Community & Business

23 February, 2023

Locals hopeful over Griffin Road repairs

A NEED to repair drainage and road shoulders on Griffin Road has been acknowledged by Tablelands Regional Council, giving hope to residents something will be done to improve the road’s condition.

Locals hopeful over Griffin Road repairs - feature photo

Residents said they attended meetings with Mayor Rod Marti, Deputy Mayor Kevin Cardew and Member for Hill Shane Knuth in the past week or so who had inspected the damage done to the road after heavy rainfall during January.

“Our concerns for the safety of, not only the pedestrians who like the challenge of walking Griffin Road, but the cyclists and the Red Earth club who exercise on the road,” a resident said.

“As residents, we don’t want to hurt someone or see someone hurt so the issues of the road and drainage need to be addressed.

“The Mayor has listened to us and will hopefully take on board some of our fears and our recommendations to help make it safe.”

TRC infrastructure and environment general manager Mark Vis said council had identified maintenance work that is required on the drainage and road shoulders on Griffin Road.

“The scope of work is being finalised and scheduled in consideration of our priorities and capacity to deliver,” he said.


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