

29 February, 2024

Mareeba netballers join Singapore squad

MAREEBA netballers Maddison Argent and Jessica Reedman will be joining the best players from Far North Queensland in Singapore for the Singapore Netball Association’s International Quad Series.

Jessica Reedman and Maddison Argent will be heading to Singapore in June for the International Quad Series.
Jessica Reedman and Maddison Argent will be heading to Singapore in June for the International Quad Series.

The three-day tournament will see the best teams from Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Australia come together to compete from 19-24 June.

The Mareeba players will join team Marlin Coast alongside other netballers from across Cairns and Innisfail who were selected.

For Maddison, being selected for the under 15s team was an honour and something she had worked very hard for. 

“It's crazy to think that myself and a few other talented netballers are going overseas to play a sport we all share a passion for. I never would have thought a few years ago I would get this amazing opportunity that I am so grateful for,” she said. 

“I believe I was selected because I showed commitment and determination and put in hard work. I have been doing the Marlins program for many years and have participated in most, if not all, training sessions with Vicki Wilson (Australian netball coach), Marlin’s camps and carnivals.

“I had also been working very hard months before the trials, developing my skills as much as possible. 

“I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my sponsors Fraser Automotive and the Mareeba Leagues club and all the local businesses who have donated to my upcoming raffle.”

Being exposed to a high level of competition is what under 17s player Jessica is most excited for, running drills at home to prepare for the big event. 

“As a shooter we receive an at home training program designed by Vicki Wilson and are asked to hit the post every free afternoon,” she said.

“This is accompanied with the general training programs each academy player receives yearly.

“It’s quite surreal. This opportunity is special; to be able to travel so far and play against other countries is crazy, for lack of better words. Being exposed to this level of coaching and gameplay such a gift for all the regional players. 

“I have generously received sponsorship from Sundance Veterinary Services and their donation shows the support from our community for our success.”

The team are currently fundraising to help pay for the trip. To support them, follow Marlin Coast Netball on Facebook.


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