Community & Business
7 April, 2023
New bridge to assist sugarcane rush
TRUCKS carting sugarcane have a new way to haul their product to the Mossman Sugar Mill after the $1.25 million replacement project for the Cassowary Creek bridge on Warner Road was completed recently.

The key upgrade provides a welcome boost for farmers and heavy vehicle operators just in time for the 2023 sugarcane crush.
The new bridge now has an increased 44 tonne load limit, making it more suitable to handling heavier vehicles such as sugarcane harvesters, tractors and other machinery – the old timber bridge will remain open for passage by sugarcane trains.
Douglas Mayor Michael Kerr said the new bridge will be a massive boon to local farmers ahead of the sugarcane season.
“The new bridge is located downstream of the old timber bridge, which was well overdue for an upgrade,” he said.
“It is a vital investment into a better and safer crossing for rural residents and sugarcane machinery.
“It will also reduce maintenance costs incurred by debris removal after floods.
“I would like to thank the Australian Government for its contribution in funding this priority infrastructure.”
The bridge replacement was jointly funded through the Australian Government’s Bridges Renewal Program (BRP), with the Australian Government contributing $625,000 and Douglas Shire Council also tipping in $625,000.