

2 November, 2022

New netball facility approved

TABLELAND netballers will soon have a new place to host carnivals after a new facility proposed at Atherton State High School was approved by Tablelands Regional Council last week.

New netball facility approved - feature photo

The new facility will be comprised of four netball courts under lights, two of which will be undercover with plans for a clubhouse, toilets and canteen to be built.

The facility will be built on the vacant field at the corner of First Avenue and Maunds Road, in the south of Atherton State High School and will allow both it and the Tablelands Netball Association to use the new facilities.

Currently the Tableland Netball Association uses the community hall at the school as their grounds but due to the restricted space, they have been forced to turn away potential players for years.

The new facility will enable the club to undergo a massive expansion and centralise the different netball divisions that play in Atherton and host weekend long carnivals.


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