
Community & Business

12 August, 2023

New units to help town housing demand

A PROJECT that will deliver a number of new units to meet the demand for social and affordable housing is underway and with Homelessness Week marked from 1-7 August, the issue is in the national spotlight.

New units to help town housing demand - feature photo

The Mareeba Community Housing Company is undertaking the project which involves the construction of three one-bedroom and two two-bedroom units for single parents and single women over 55 years, the fastest growing demographic in Queensland.

General manager Patricia Goldfinch says the demand for such housing has risen significantly, leading to overcrowded conditions and homelessness for many local families in the region.

“One in seven people experiencing homelessness is over the age of 55, domestic and family violence is one of the largest contributing factors why people may be experiencing homelessness, and over 17,000 children younger than 12 years are homeless,” she said.

“A home is not just somewhere with four walls and a roof, it’s a place where people can feel safe and secure.

“Access to safe housing is a basic human right but sadly many people are living in temporary accommodation such as shelters, crisis accommodation or motels.

“Homelessness can mean different things to different people. 

“Statistics show that there are over 120,000 people in Australia experiencing homelessness at any given night with only a very small percentage of people experiencing homelessness sleep on the streets, as is the case in this region, most people experiencing homelessness are hidden from sight, for example sleeping in cars, or couch surfing.”

In response to the pressing need for affordable housing, the Mareeba Community Housing Company encourages interested parties to collaborate and partner with them in their efforts. 

Those interested can contact the Ms Goldfinch at 4092 6899 or through email at 

The project is funded by the Department of Housing Queensland. 


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