
Community & Business

27 July, 2023

Nominate excellent businesses for awards

BUSINESSES in the Mareeba Shire that dare to reach for excellence will be recognised at the biennial Mareeba Chamber of Commerce awards to be announced in October.

Nominate excellent businesses for awards - feature photo

Nominations are now open for eight award categories including a new one that is aimed at encouraging businesses to take pride in the appearance of their premises and acknowledging those who have revitalised a local business.

“The awards pay homage to the business and individuals who go over and above in their chosen industries and allow us to celebrate the achievements of so many who contribute to our great shire,” chamber president Joe Moro said.

“The reason why it’s so important is basically someone has taken the time to recognise a business for the level of service, innovation and excellence that they do.”

He said the awards were all about promoting businesses that had shown a “spirit and pride” synonymous with the town’s reputation as a resilient and determined community.

“We want to showcase people who have strived for excellence in service and encourage others to follow in their footsteps,” Mr Moro said.

“The new category this year – Best Revitalised Business – is about recognising those who have put in that extra effort to improve the look and appearance of their business – it might have been a complete makeover or just a coat of paint to modernise and freshen up their business premises.”

The awards seek to honour achievements for established businesses but also to showcase Mareeba’s emerging or new ventures.

The awards also promote volunteers and community groups that help to make the area one of the most liveable in the region through the Community Group/Individual of the Year category.

Other categories are: New Business, Excellence in Retail, Excellence in Service Industry, Best Revitalised Business, Excellence in Tourism, Excellence in Rural/Agriculture, and Excellence in Customer Service.

Initial nominations are now open and close on 7 August, with an additional month allowed after that time to hand in the full nomination.

The winners of the awards, which are sponsored by Mareeba Kids Campus, will be announced at a presentation ceremony to be held on Saturday 28 October.

To nominate a business, go to


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