Community & Business
8 June, 2022
Say no tobacco
OVER 100 locals learned about the dangers of smoking last week as Mulungu Aboriginal Primary Health Care Service held a special event in Mareeba’s Arnold Park to coincide with No Tobacco Day.

Information stalls, guest speakers, games and activities were all on offer for people to enjoy including spending time with Deadly Choices ambassador and ex NRL footballer Tyrone Roberts.
Mulungu corporate services manager Samanthia Dooley said the afternoon was well attended by children and adults who learned about the negative impacts of smoking.
“Over 130 people turned up to the event and it was a good turnout for the afternoon which consisted of activities and games for the children as well as stalls with services available for those who are ready to quit and those who needed some education about tobacco use,” she said.
“Mulungu’s tobacco stall was very popular on the day, these stalls displayed visually confronting smoking cessation tools such as jars of tar and phlegm, smoker and non-smoker lungs along with smoking cessation information.
The crowd was entertained by performer Normy Jay and ex NRL footballer Tyrone Roberts, who also spoke up about their life journeys and choices they made to get to where they are today.