17 March, 2023
Skate on into derby
ROLLER Derby has taken off again in Atherton, with the Table-land Roller Derby League calling on locals to put on some skates and give it a whirl.

Although roller derby has previously had an aggressive stigma behind it, Tablelands Roller Der-by League is a “fun, supportive and inclusive” family sport ac-cording to founder, president and coach Jennifer Cox.
Jennifer started derbying whilst living in Brisbane and has since moved back to her hometown, bringing the sport with her.
Meeting with another woman who was involved with Townsville roller derby group, they formed their group which has continued to gain popularity over the years.
“There’s a community of us in roller derby and we our motto is ‘fun, fitness and friendship’,” she said.
“I think people who get in-volved like it because its fun and there’s a freedom aspect to it and lots of people who do don’t do it for the competitive side but for the fitness side.”
The group are hosting a come and try day on Sunday 23 April at the Atherton State High School hall, with those wanting to get involved encouraged to bring their own socks and helmets if possible