Community & Business
6 July, 2023
$35m spent on works
Capital works worth more than $35 million have been completed for the 2022-23 year by Mareeba Shire Council as it prepares to bring down its next budget.

Capital works worth more than $35 million have been completed for the 2022-23 year by Mareeba Shire Council as it prepares to bring down its next budget.
The council has a $58.9 million capital works program for the past year, but projects that have not been able to be delivered this year will roll over into next financial year, with a report to come to council in August outlining those projects.
Next week, Mareeba will bring down its 2023-24 budget and capital works program.
Completed projects for this year include the newly-opened Mareeba Splash Park and heating of the 50m pool, a new amenities block at the Riverside Caravan Park, a major upgrade of Kuranda’s Centenary Park playground, a new playground at Amaroo Park, and a host of roads that have been widened and sealed.
Projects underway include the Granite Creek sewerage pump station refurbishment, the Bicentennial Lakes sewer main, water network upgrades, and the refurbishment of Anzac Park in Byrnes Street where old infrastructure has been demolished and removed, coloured tree lighting tested, and electrical and irrigation trenches completed.
Another project underway is the construction of a sewer main gravity upgrade, inclusive of a water main relocation to service the township of Mareeba.