
Community & Business

22 March, 2023

Warning on rail trail use

TABLELANDS police will start enforcement activities on Atherton’s Rail Trail to stop motorbikes, cars or any other motorised modes of transport from using the track.

Signs have been erected along the trail advising of the rules and police have advised they will start enforcement very soon.

A police spokesperson said the Rail Trail through Atherton was a public reserve and was for the use of pedestrians and push-bike riders only. Mobility scooters, electric bikes and scooters were also able to use the path.

“Whilst we understand that there also seems to be large quantities of land in the area that are vacant and seemingly not in use, everyone must remember that the land is owned by someone,” the spokesperson said.

“That someone, may be the Government, a local council, a business, a developer, or a private individual.

“Landowners do not need to have signs telling you it is private property; however, we encourage landowners to have their land signed with ‘no trespassing’ signs, on property that is not fenced to make it clear that it is private land.

“Just because you can’t see a “no trespassing” sign, does not mean you have an excuse to enter the land.”

Police warn that if people do not have permission to enter a property, it equates to trespassing and they can be prosecuted.


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