
Community & Business

7 April, 2024

Air con woes for gallery

CONCERNS have been raised about whether a broken air conditioning unit at Tablelands Regional Gallery could affect exhibitions being displayed at the facility.


At Tablelands Regional Council’s last meeting before the election, Cr Peter Hodge raised the issue and urged the councillors to take notice.

“We have a real serious problem with the air conditioning at the regional gallery,” he said.

“It has been failing nearly every year for some years and now it has failed again and it will be another three months before the compressor will be arriving to get that fixed.

“We sign contracts with touring exhibitions that we provide proper air conditioning and climate control and that’s not happening and we sign contracts to say were doing that.”

Cr Hodge said he wanted to put the issue on the table and urged councillors to consider replacing the unit during their deliberations for the 2024-25 capital works budget.

A spokesperson for TRC said the part was expected to arrive in June and would be fitted as soon as possible.

“At this stage, there will be no changes to the exhibition schedule,” she said.


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