
Community & Business

3 September, 2023

Author’s new book takes look into afterlife

KURANDA author Stephen Paul Chong has released his latest book Afterlife, a journey to: Now you know what will happen, inspired by his near death experience.

Author’s new book takes look into afterlife - feature photo

The Afterlife vividly describes the many levels of heaven consequential of our earthly actions. At its core, the book's descriptions of the “laws of heaven and earth” relate directly to the many challenges and trials we confront in life, and within our community.

The book is narrated through the eyes of the main character Athar, who in life was mistreated and abused while under the care of the church. 

Stephen vividly describes Athar’s journey through heaven’s many levels and portrays for us the consequences of our earthly actions when confronted with the life eternal.

The Afterlife can be purchased through Amazon


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