
On The Land

16 November, 2023

Avocado export hopes firm for China and India

AVOCADOS Australia has received confirmation that the protocol for exporting Australian Hass avocados has been approved by India.

Photo: iStock
Photo: iStock

Avocados Australia, the industry’s peak industry body, welcomed the news, saying the next step was to work on accrediting growers and packers to the new protocol.

“It is terrific news that Australian avocado growers, once accredited, can export to India,” Avocados Australia CEO John Tyas said.

“We can now look to growing this exciting new market.”

Once accredited, Australian avocado growers from all regions of Australia will be able to export to India. But Mr Tyas says the industry can’t stop there.

“We have increasing supply so growing export markets and increasing exports is an important focus for us,” he said.

With Australian production forecast to increase strongly over the next few years to around 170,000 tonnes per annum expected to be produced by 2026, Avocados Australia has a number of new markets in its sights.

“With Australia’s relationship improving with China we see China as an excellent market opportunity,” Mr Tyas said.

Efforts are already underway, with Avocados Australia Chair Brad Rodgers joining Mr Tyas for a trade mission to China last week.

Several Chinese importers have already shown interest in our avocados however, technical market access is a critical step and avocados are in line behind apples and blueberries in the negotiations.

For now, India is the focus and there were many key stakeholders who played a part in achieving market access.

“India market access is great news and I would like to thank all of our key stakeholders for helping us get to this point,” Mr Tyas said.


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