Community & Business
20 May, 2023
Chance to adopt a furry friend in need
IT'S raining dogs and cats at the Mareeba Animal Refuge and to help increase adoptions, the facility is hosting an Adoption Day on 28 May
All the of the refuge’s residents will be available to adopt on the day as well as a variety of stalls available to browse. Organiser Felicity Pollard is excited to welcome everyone along to enjoy a day with the region’s most adorable little friends.
“I will have volunteers out with the dogs so people can get to know them and the cattery will be open for people to hang out in,” she said. “People are also welcome to bring their own dogs to come and meet our dogs – maybe find them a friend.”
Felicity is still on the hunt for volunteers who would like to assist on the day. To volunteer, contact the refuge on 4092 3060.