
Community & Business

28 January, 2023

Childcare, medical facilities part of new Tolga project

A CHILDCARE centre and medical care services facility within a proposed subdivision at Tolga has been approved.

Childcare, medical facilities part of new Tolga project - feature photo

The change to the project was put to Tablelands Regional Council at its recent meeting, with officers noting that the subdivision plans had been changed since first approved by the former Atherton Shire Council in 2007.

The first approval was for 184 residential lots in seven stages, followed by an application in 2013 for the reconfiguration of a lot into 196. In 2016, the developer applied to change it again, providing more appropriate agricultural buffering and reducing the size of the lots to increase their overall yield to 219 lots.

Officers advised the plans provided for council to consider the childcare and medical centres indicated alternate lot boundaries however, the developer had not yet lodged an application to reconfigure the land to accommodate the additional facilities.

“It is anticipated that a further change of approval request would be forthcoming in relation to Stage 11 of the residential estate as a consequence of the development now proposed,” the report stated.

The report noted there was some concern about the impacts of traffic, particularly at the Tate Road intersection, with officers meeting with representatives from the Department of Transport and Main Roads in October to discuss the issue.

“Their advice was that while the development would no doubt contribute to the gradual worsening of congestion issues as the new area develops over time, there is sufficient queuing capacity within the council-controlled network to safely accommodate the increase for the foreseeable future,” the report stated.

“Further, before such time as traffic flows warrant signalising the intersections, there is little more than can be done in the interim to alleviate the situation as any such treatments have already been undertaken.”


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