
General News

28 May, 2023

Council investigates CCTV network

MAREEBA Shire Council has begun investigating just how much a CCTV network that would cover Byrnes Street and Railway Avenue would cost, where the cameras would be located and how they would be managed.

Council investigates CCTV network - feature photo

Councillor Mary Graham moved a motion at the ordinary meeting last week that a report be brought to the June council meeting, investigating the costs that would be incurred for the installation a CCTV network in Byrnes Street and Rail-way Avenue which runs behind businesses on the CBD.

Locals have been crying out for a CCTV network to be installed in the main business sector of Mareeba and police have previously expressed their eagerness to have access to another system.

Council previously had a small CCTV network installed but it was discontinued some years ago and now they are looking at options to potentially revive the network.

“We have always been mindful of the cost be-fore but this is something we thought we needed to look at, it is coming up to budget time,” Cr Graham said.

“We need to find out exactly how much it is going to cost and who is going to pay for it.

“The cost is the sticking point, someone will have to pay for it, is that the ratepayer? That is something we need to discuss as a council.

“Once we know that we can go out into the public and tell them how much it is going to cost and if they are prepared to pay for it.”

While CCTV would be welcome in the street, Cr Graham is not sure it would work to the extent that residents believe it will.

“I’m not here nor there with it and the reason is when these people are caught, what happens to them? What penalty is given out? Nine times out of ten they are out on the street again,” she said.

“But let’s have a go, let’s have a look at it, let’s see what the cost is and if people are prepared to pay for it.

“A wise old mayor once told me ‘council can do anything providing the public are prepared to pay’.”

The detailed report is due to appear in next month’s ordinary council meeting on 21 June.


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