
Community & Business

16 July, 2022

Downpour tops up dam

NEARLY 140mm of rain soaked the Tablelands over three days last week, pushing the Tinaroo Dam level up to just under 100 per cent.

Downpour tops up dam - feature photo

Atherton had the lion’s share of the rain with 40mm on Monday, 57mm on Tuesday and another 40mm on Wednesday, but Mareeba also had a good soaking, with 64mm out of a total of 89mm falling on Tuesday. 

Temperatures also plummeted with a maximum of only 18 degrees on Tuesday in both Atherton and Mareeba. 

Thankfully, the sun shone through from Wednesday to enable Mareeba Rodeo patrons to enjoy fine weather for the Friday night parade and Saturday’s rodeo program. 

The rain has topped up Tinaroo Dam to 99.5 per cent which will aid water supply over the dry season months.


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