
Community & Business

20 January, 2023

Free breast screening back on Tablelands

FREE breast screening is again available on the Tablelands until May.

Free breast screening back on Tablelands - feature photo

BreastScreen Queensland’s mobile service is currently based at Atherton Showgrounds until May and local women have been urged to take ad-vantage of the service.

“Our mobile service visits every two years, and we urge women over the age of 40 to take ad-vantage of this convenient opportunity and book a free breast screen,” health promotion officer Ms Belinda Lees said.

“Taking 30 minutes to look after your health and have a breast screen every two years offers peace of mind, and our experienced female staff make the whole process quick and easy.”

Clinical Director Dr Amanda Blinco stressed how important breast screens were, with one in seven Queensland women to develop breast cancer at some stage in their life.

“Having a regular two-yearly breast screen, or screening mammogram, remains the best way to detect small breast cancers early for better health outcomes,” she said.

“Early detection can save your life, providing the best chance of effective treatment, increased survival, and improved quality of life.”

Women aged over 40 are able to have a free breast screen every two years. However, women aged 50 to 74 are especially encouraged to screen.

Appointments can be made by phoning 13 20 50 or you can book online at


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