
General News

21 January, 2023

Graduates score top marks

Nine fresh high school graduates proved that hard work and dedication to your studies is the key to receiving some of the top ATAR scores in the region.

By Ellie Fink

Joshua Snell, Alannah Falvo and Harry Wilson (inset) received some of the highest ATAR scores on the Tablelands.
Joshua Snell, Alannah Falvo and Harry Wilson (inset) received some of the highest ATAR scores on the Tablelands.

The ATAR (Australian Tertiary Admission Rank) system replaced the original OP (Overall Position) system in 2020, with eligible students being ranked on a scale from 30.00, the lowest score, to 99.95, the highest score. 

St Stephen’s Catholic College graduates Joshua Snell, Alannah Falvo and Harry Wilson scored big with some of the highest ATAR scores on the Tablelands.

Joshua received the highest ATAR of 99.90 and even though it was his goal, he was still shocked when he received it.

“I was hoping to get some-where up there in the 90s, but I didn’t think I actually would,” he said.

“There was definitely quite a bit of time put into studying and there were times when it was difficult, particularly when it came to balancing all my commitments and getting enough sleep.”

Joshua will be heading to the University of Queensland in Brisbane to study a Bachelor of Advanced Science Honours and hopes to major in maths and physics.

Alannah’s dedication to her studies was recognised through her ATAR, scoring an impressive 99.65.

“It was a score I was aiming for, but it was still a bit of a surprise when it popped up,” she said.

“It really just showed me that all the hard work had paid off and it was a huge relief – all the hours of studying and revising for exams whilst balancing work and other commitments.”

Like her peer Joshua, Alannah will also be studying a Bachelor of Advanced Science Honours but will be heading further south to study at the Australian National University, Canberra.

Joshua Snell, Alannah Falvo and Harry Wilson (inset) received some of the highest ATAR scores on the Tablelands
Joshua Snell, Alannah Falvo and Harry Wilson (inset) received some of the highest ATAR scores on the Tablelands

Harry smashed his goal of getting an ATAR above 97, scoring a 98.85 – a reflection of his studying technique.

“I began to study hard around a week before each test. Not sure on the hours, varied by how concerned I was on any given topic,” he said.

“My advice would be to do practice tests, not just one or two but as many as you can find. They are usually a good indication of what you will find on the test.”

Harry will be doing an engineering and commerce double degree at Edith Cowan University in Perth. 

Arlo Lockwood, Niall Hickey and Cassandra Easton received the top three ATAR scores in their cohort at Malanda High.
Arlo Lockwood, Niall Hickey and Cassandra Easton received the top three ATAR scores in their cohort at Malanda High.

Malanda State High School graduates Niall Hickey, Arlo Lockwood and Cassandra Easton dedicated hours of studying to help them achieve the highest ATAR they could.

Scoring an ATAR 99.2, Niall said it was “quite easy” to achieve this ATAR because he studied effectively.

“Keeping productive is the best to do it and I found that playing guitar a lot in between was really helpful for me,” he said.

“Taking that half hour break to play was probably the reason I was able to study longer and really got me in a good head space.”

Niall will be studying medicine in 2023 and hopes to be-come a doctor in his future.

Arlo dream of working in the medical field is one step closer to coming true after his ATAR of 98.25 scored him a place at James Cook University to study a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery.

“I have always thought about going into the medical field and it opens up so many opportunities to specialise in different sectors,” he said.

“I wasn’t expecting to get as high as I did because during the school year we did (ATAR prediction) and mine said a 96 or 97 so I was in shock when I got a 98.25.”

Arlo’s advice to anyone hoping to get a high ATAR is to start early so that you don’t get caught up at the end of the year during your exams.

For Cassandra, asking for her teachers help in her spare time paid off when she scored an ATAR 97.55 – a score she had been aiming for.

“It also helps if you actually understand why something works - it is worth more than doing a bunch of practice questions,” she said.

“And of course, try not to stress too much. It’s not the end of the world.”

Cassandra will be taking a break from studying in 2023 to take up part time work but hopes to apply for a dentistry course in 2024. 

Tarris Thiekecke, Jenna Soncin and Daniel Penn received the top ATARs in their cohort.
Tarris Thiekecke, Jenna Soncin and Daniel Penn received the top ATARs in their cohort.

Mareeba State High School’s Jenna Soncin, Daniel Penn and Tarris Thiekecke all scored above an ATAR 90, and all expressed their excitement when receiving their marks.

Daniel received the highest ATAR of the trio, scoring a perfect 96.25 – a score that reflects his dedication to his studies throughout his schooling life.

“I really didn’t know what ATAR to expect. I felt I had done well, but I really wasn’t sure how it compared to every-one else,” he said.

“My advice to people hop-ing to achieve this ATAR is to be willing to work hard and ask for help when you need it. You don’t have to do it alone.”

Daniel will be taking a gap year in 2023 to work with his family business Penn Renovations.

Jenna spent countless hours working hard to achieve an ATAR 94.80, smashing her ultimate goal of a score in the high 80s.

“I definitely wasn’t expecting it. I was aiming in the high 80s, so I was very surprised when I saw my result,” she said.

“My advice would be to pay attention in class and keep all notes up to date and tidy, as well as putting in the effort out-side of school times to get assessments done.”

In 2023, she will be heading to James Cook University to study a Bachelor of Science,

a subject that she enjoys and hopes to achieve a career in.

Tarris took out the third highest ATAR in his cohort, scoring a 94.35 and will be taking a break whilst taking working and studying a Bachelor of advanced computer science.

“My advice (to people eligible for ATAR) is don't let the work consume you, make sure you balance it out with fun as well,” he said. 


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