

3 July, 2023

Gymnast reps Queensland

YOUNG gymnast Olie Hampton from the small country town of Mareeba has made his hometown gymnastics club proud, returning with an impressive haul of three gold medals from the Border Challenge.

By Ellie Fink

Olie Hampton has come home with three gold medals after representing Queensland at the Border Challenge.
Olie Hampton has come home with three gold medals after representing Queensland at the Border Challenge.

YOUNG gymnast Olie Hampton from the small country town of Mareeba has made his hometown gymnastics club proud, returning with an impressive haul of three gold medals from the Border Challenge.

The talented 15-year-old was recently chosen to represent Queensland, competing against top athletes from all over the country.

Through his unwavering determination and rigorous training, Hampton emerged victorious in the high bars and vault events, ultimately propelling the Queensland team to clinch the top spot.

Hampton admitted to feeling nervous and awed by the presence of Australia's finest gymnasts at the competition but was able to keep his head in the game and come out on top.

“It was quite nerve-wracking and intimidating to compete against the best gymnasts in Australia," he confessed.

“I enjoyed being part of the team and had the opportunity to meet a fantastic group of boys. Representing Queensland felt really good.”

Throughout the competition, Coach Kelly Tulloch stood steadfastly by Hampton's side, providing unwavering support in both his mental and physical preparations.

Emphasising the significance of mental training in their pre-competition training, Tulloch said she was proud in Hampton's performance and his overall growth throughout the tournament.

“We focused extensively on mental training in the lead-up to the event,” Tulloch said.

“I couldn't be prouder, especially considering that our club now has three Australian champions.

“It is great to see these young athletes fulfill their dreams and excel.”

Hampton's journey in gymnastics commenced when he was in Grade 1, when his mother bought him to the club one afternoon blind folded, pushing him to start training.

Since then, Hampton has developed a deep passion for gymnastics, diligently training at every available opportunity.

With his next competition in November, Hampton is dedicating his efforts to further skill development and new tricks in preparation for the event.

Check our website and socials for video of Ollie competing and be sure to like, share and comment your support for this local champion.


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