
General News

4 November, 2022

High School “mother” recognised with medal

DESCRIBED by many as the “mum of Mareeba High”, teacher librarian Lucy Daly has captured the hearts of students and staff for the past 40 years and her hard work was recently recognised when she received the Mareeba Medal.

By Ellie Fink

Mareeba State High School teacher librarian Lucy Daly has been recognised for her hard work and dedication to the profession with the Mareeba Medal.
Mareeba State High School teacher librarian Lucy Daly has been recognised for her hard work and dedication to the profession with the Mareeba Medal.

The Mareeba Medal is unique to Mareeba State High School. It recognises long serving, hardworking staff members at the school, with its first recipient being past principal and current Mareeba Mayor, Angela Toppin.

Ms Daly has been working with the Department of Educa-tion for four decades now and she was humbled to receive the honourable award.

“It was humbling and a huge honour, especially since I work with such a great team of staff members who work so hard,” she said.

“I am so lucky to be working in the library – I find great pleas-ure in going into a bookstore and buying books that I think my students will like.”

Over the last 40 years, Ms Daly has worked at Weipa North State School (1979), Babinda State School (1980), Mount Morgan State School (1983), Atherton State High School (1987) and Mareeba State High School (1989 – present).

She believes that working in state education has been incred-ible and has enjoyed watching how students and the curriculum has grown throughout her teach-ing years.

“I believe state education provides and caters for anyone and everyone and I have seen lots of change throughout my time here,” Ms Daly said.

“I have seen kids come and go but I believe in state educa-tion, and I believe in Mareeba State High.” 


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