30 January, 2023
Interest sought to manage pools
INTERESTED parties are again being asked to put their names forward to lease or manage Mareeba Shire Council’s pools in Kuranda, Mareeba and Dimbulah as well as the Dimbulah Caravan Park.

The management of the pools and caravan park fell back into council’s hands after previous lessee H20 Sport and Leisure put forward a long-term tender to manage the facilities for just over $1 million a year.
Despite H20 being the only company to put forward a tender, council decided not to award it to them and instead take on management of the facilities itself in the interim.
Council then approached two businesses to run the pool, one of which was happy to sign on for a short-term lease.
Marlin Coast Swimming and Fitness has been managing the facilities in a six-month short-term lease since December last year, charging council $360,000.
Council hopes more interested parties for the leasing or management of the pools and caravan park will come forward and submit tenders.
“Council is open to suggestions and creative ideas on how the facilities can be managed to drive usage and capture new opportunities,” Mayor Angela Toppin said.
“The facilities are currently being operated under a short-term arrangement, until 30 June 2023.”
“As Mayor, I would like to reassure residents that council will do all that is necessary to con-tinue to operate the pools while the new arrangement is finalised.”
Current operating hours for all three facilities are available on council’s website and advertised at the sites.
“The Shire's swimming pools provide important social and recreational opportunities and deliver significant community benefits. Many residents are also employed as lifeguards or staff at the pools,” Cr Toppin said.
“Council thanks residents and visitors for their understanding and patience during this transition period.”