
Community & Business

23 February, 2023

Kids crazy for goats

IT’S goats galore at Atherton State High School with the school’s goat club gaining popularity from a variety of students.

Students at Atherton State High School have the opportunity to raise goats as a part of their agricultural studies.
Students at Atherton State High School have the opportunity to raise goats as a part of their agricultural studies.

The goat club took off in 2008 and allows students to gain skills, knowledge and confidence when working with animals.

Students meet twice a week during their lunch breaks to bond and learn about the goats that live on the school grounds.

Goat club coordinator and agriculture teacher Tracey Fitzgerald has already seen the benefits of the club in the classroom and in the playground.

“It has benefited the students as they find goat club is a safe, supportive

environment where they can make new friends and interact with animals,” she said.

“Teachers benefit by providing this experience for the student and seeing improved student engagement.

“Interacting with animals improves students’ wellbeing and this then transfers to the classroom, especially in the agriculture subjects.”

Students in the goat club are currently training their goats for the Atherton Show, learning skills in husbandry, handling, show ring etiquette and judging to prepare.

In Term 3 and 4 after the Atherton Show, they will continue to train baby goats in preparation for the fol-lowing year’s show.


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