
Community & Business

10 August, 2022

Lend your voice to advisory committees

THE hunt is on for people to put their hands up to be part of five Tablelands Regional Council advisory committees.

Council is currently seeking new members for its Youth, Inclusion, Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), Atherton Chinatown and Agriculture advisory committees. 

“The committees assist us in understanding the current and changing needs in the community, and provide options to address these needs,” Tablelands Mayor Rod Marti said. 

“It’s essential that our community is a part of our decision-making processes so we can deliver high quality, accessible and relevant services across our region. 

The Youth Advisory Committee provides a voice on issues that matter most to youth and provides oversight and input into the Youth Strategic Plan. 

Membership is for two years and members (15–25-years-old) meet four times a year outside school hours. 

The Inclusion Advisory Committee advises on all aspects of access and inclusion and develops projects to support people to participate in community life regardless of age, ability or background. Membership is for two years and the committee meets every two months. 

The RADF committee consists of people who are passionate about arts, culture and heritage in the region and members assess applications and outcome reports, provide advice on the allocation of funds, encourage applications and develop strong community networks. 

Membership is for two years and the committee meets four times a year or as required.

“If you’ve got an interest, experience or expertise in Chinese cultural heritage, the arts or tourism, then we’re keen to have you apply for a position on the Atherton Chinatown Advisory Committee,” Mayor Marti said. 

“The committee advises us and the National Trust of Australia on the operations of Atherton Chinatown.

The positions are for two years and the committee meets four times a year. 

“Our Agriculture Advisory Committee is new and we’re looking for people in our community to have a say on how we can better serve the agriculture industry and help us understand the needs of primary producers. 

“The committee will ensure a strategic and long-term approach to agriculture development in the region and will meet at least once a year for the term of the current council (2024).” 

Council will hold a series of sessions to provided further information on the formation and role of the Agriculture Advisory Committee, with the first one at Mt Garnet Town Hall from 12.30pm-1.30pm on 6 September, followed by a session at the Patrick English Pavilion Supper Room in Malanda on 7 September, and one at the Disaster Coordination Centre at 15 Vernon Street, Atherton on 9 September.

Terms of reference and application forms are available online ( 

Applications for the Agriculture Advisory Committee close on 19 September, and on 15 August for the other four committees.


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