
On The Land

1 July, 2023

Managing pigs and wild dogs

WILD dogs and feral pigs are being targeted in the Mareeba Shire, with baiting and traps working eff ectively to manage the pest animals.

Managing pigs and wild dogs - feature photo

Baiting for wild dogs has been carried out on seven properties totalling 366,500 hectares, one on the upper Mitchell River and six on the Walsh and Lynd River Catchments.

Feral pigs are also in the sights of landowners, with one property owner currently loaning a trap from council to catch feral pigs on a property east of Mareeba.

“These pigs have been an issue lately with a number of them being struck by cars on the Kennedy Highway. To date, eight pigs have been trapped and destroyed at this location,” a report to council revealed.


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