
Community & Business

7 May, 2022

Mechelle bids farewell

SCHOOL nursing has been Mechelle Pell’s focus for the past 16 years, but now she is finally taking a well-deserved break before retiring to a life on the beach with a fishing rod.

Mechelle Pell is saying goodbye to 16 years in the job and hitting the beach for her retirement, being “wheeled out” by new school first aid officer Chelsya Muller.
Mechelle Pell is saying goodbye to 16 years in the job and hitting the beach for her retirement, being “wheeled out” by new school first aid officer Chelsya Muller.

SCHOOL nursing has been Mechelle Pell’s focus for the past 16 years, but now she is finally taking a well-deserved break before retiring to a life on the beach with a fishing rod. 

Known at Mareeba High School for her cheerful smile and her cheeky personality, the first aid officer and teacher aide has won the hearts of students past and present, helping get students back on their feet after a fall. Whether you need an ice pack, spare uniform or even a place to “take a breather”, she was the first point of call for any incident big or small. 

Ms Pell says she has loved being part the school community and believes the role has helped her learn the importance of life. “Over the last 16 years I have learned that life is precious – learn from your mistakes, life is what you wish to make of it, make the right choices, appreciate every day, be kind to each other, money comes in handy and be kind and treat people how you would like to be treated,” she said. “I am not rich with money but very rich with memories, love from family and friends and everyone I have met. “I’ve also learned that if you enjoy your job, you’ll be there for a long time, and I completely enjoyed my job and I think a lot of hard work definitely pays off when you can retire a little early.” 

Although Ms Pell couldn’t pinpoint any particular moments or events which she could describe as highlights of her career, she says watching the kids grow has been incredible. As well as building relationships with students, she has made some lifelong friends that will continue to be a part of her life after she leaves her role at the school. 

“I’ve done lots of things from first aid to textbook hire and working in the office – so I really can’t say there’s been just one highlight,” she said.

“I am nervous and sad to be leaving behind so many great friends I’ve made along the way but I’m looking forward to not getting out of bed early in the morning and, instead, I can now go fishing and sit at the beach

. “Watching students come and go has just been amazing and watching them come in when they’re in Grade 7 and leave when they’re Grade 12 is just incredible to watch, especially watching them grow and change as teenagers.” 

Ms Pell will now be passing the baton onto new first aid officer Chelsya Muller, who is excited to step up into the position and build relationships with the teachers and students.


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