
Community & Business

28 February, 2023

Mt Garnet rodeo calls on all queens

LADIES from across the Northern ABCRA region have the opportunity to enter this year’s Mt Garnet Rodeo Queens Quest.

Last year’s Mt Garnet Rodeo Queen entrants. Photo: Lacey Burns Photography
Last year’s Mt Garnet Rodeo Queen entrants. Photo: Lacey Burns Photography

This is the second consecutive year the quest has been held and with a whole new committee for the annual rodeo, the queen’s contest is set to be one of the best yet.

Committee volunteer Annie Berg has taken on the role coordinating the queens this year and encourages women aged 18 to 30 to enter.

After sponsoring Miss Rodeo Australia, she will use her knowledge and experience to help the queen entrants through their journey.

“I am quite passionate about small town communities, and I feel like it is very important for ladies to challenge themselves and be out in the community,” she said.

“It is a great opportunity for them to expand their social networks, work on their communication skills… and make friends with people they normally wouldn’t.”

This year, new guidelines have been put in place for the queen’s quest, with experience in horsemanship required and a vaster intake area for ladies wanting to get involved.

Implementing “horsemanship” into the prerequisites of the competition is the rodeo committee’s way of bringing the rodeo back into the queen’s competition.

Entrants will be judged at public events and in interviews with the judges on their entrant’s knowledge regarding the sport of Rodeo particularly in relation to the North Queensland region, their horsemanship skills, their conversation skills and how they present themselves.

Applications for the Mt Garnet Rodeo Queen quest have been extended until 10 March. Email Annie on

The Mt Garnet Rodeo is set to kick off on 30 April at the LD Lucey Memorial Park, Mt Garnet.


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