
Community & Business

29 October, 2023

Next generation ready to lead in 2024

ENVISIONING 2024 as a year of success, four St Stephen’s Catholic College students have taken on the responsibility of college captains.

LEADERS: St Stephen’s Catholic College captains for 2024 are Michael Liu, Manvir Kaur, Rylan Srhoj and Ella Daven.
LEADERS: St Stephen’s Catholic College captains for 2024 are Michael Liu, Manvir Kaur, Rylan Srhoj and Ella Daven.

Rylan Srhoj, Michael Liu, Manvir Kaur and Ella Davin are keen to step up to their new positions heading into next year. 

Rylan decided to run for college captain to become a role model for his younger peers, with a motivation for a year of fun and healthy learning. 

“My primary motive for applying for this role within the college is my aspiration to create a more fun and healthy learning environment for the younger students who will be attending our school,” he said.

“In 2024 I want all of Mareeba and beyond to see our school as not only a Catholic school but an enjoyable and inspiring place to learn.”

For Michael, being a college captain means upholding the school’s morals and ethics, while also fostering his own leadership skills. 

“I saw an opportunity for myself to hone my leadership skills and become the better version of who I could be,” he said.

“I would like to see 2024 St Stephen's be a conglomerate where everyone with similar and different aspirations gather in unity and proceed with excellence. And obviously, I envision that 2024 St Stephen's will be better than 2023 St Stephen's.”

With many ideas already running through her mind, Manvir envisions an exciting year as a captain and is keen to start establishing stronger relationships between staff and students – especially the grade 7s.

“A school can only run with student feedback, and an important responsibility is ensuring the student's voice is heard, and changes are made accordingly (where possible),” she said.

“Everyone has ideas for improvement and getting together with the rest of the student agency team and receiving ideas, no matter how big or small, ensures we can get the ball rolling.”

“Transitioning from primary school to high school is daunting; every high school student had to make that jump, and one of the first things you notice is the 'scary' big kids (who are actually not that scary). 

“A mentoring system where the year 7's, at choice, can be paired with a senior to be mentored, whether it's they need help with studies, navigating school life, friends, or someone to talk to, as everyone needs mentors in their life to help with life things.”

Ella has been involved in the school community for most of her high schooling years and has many ideas to help foster kindness and courage within students.

“My vision for St. Stephens is to help foster this environment and be a friendly and familiar face in the school community,” she said. 

“I want to be a reliable bridge between the faculty and the students, to allow for better communication, and in turn, more issues and ideas that can be addressed. 

“I want to build upon the St Stephen's legacy by making the school an even greater place than what it is already and spreading my love for the school throughout the student body and the wider community.”


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