
Community & Business

22 August, 2023

Part approval for Kuranda project

A proposal to develop a six-lot subdivision near Kuranda has been reduced to only four lots by Mareeba Shire Council in response to concerns over its water supply and objections from the community.

Part approval for Kuranda project - feature photo

The Barnwell Road development which borders Cain Creek, will now only have four lots, with council joining three of the lots to ensure the land parcels are between 1.5-2.7 hectares, in keeping with similar lots in the area.

A report to council revealed that one of the major concerns with the proposal was the supply of water to the lots.

“The subject site .... is easily serviceable with electricity, telecommunications, and well constructed bitumen sealed road access, however, what is not present at this particular location is a town water supply, nor will it be feasible for the developer to connect into Kuranda’s existing water supply network which ends at the Kuranda Public Pool approximately 1.6km away,” the report stated.

“Given the unavailability of town water, council officers do not consider the site suitable for development creating lots significantly smaller than 2ha in area such as proposed Lots 1, 2 and 3.”

Planning officers also took into account the objections of nearby residents.

“Upon review of the 17 submissions received it was clear that there was a community expectation that council would not allow the site to be overdeveloped to create rural residential lots inconsistent with the design and character of existing lots in the immediate vicinity of the site,” it stated.

The objections ranged in subject from the size of the lots, traffic issues for Barnwell Road, and access to Cain Creek to concerns over stormwater flow and wildlife habitat.

Council approved the subdivision but only four lots will be created.


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