
Community & Business

8 September, 2023

Planning amendment to protect rural zone

AN amendment to Mareeba Shire Council’s planning scheme is being made to protect the Rural zone from unintended fragmentation through subdivision to create lots less than 60 hectares in area.

Planning amendment to protect rural zone - feature photo

Mareeba Shire Council Mayor Angela Toppin said the amendment to the planning scheme would strengthen the provisions relating to subdivision in the Rural zone.

“Under the amendment, a subdivision to create a rural lot less than 60 hectares will require impact assessment except for where no additional lot is created (boundary realignment), or where one additional lot is created to accommodate a public reconfiguration purpose,” she explained.

 “Council tabled the amendment at the June council meeting after the unintended fragmentation concern was identified by the Deputy Premier through the making of Temporary Local Planning Instrument No. 01 of 2021 (Subdivision in Rural zone) (TLPI)”.

“In making the TLPI, the Deputy Premier found that certain provisions of the planning scheme, in their current form, were drafted in such a manner that it could result in council approving the subdivision of lots within the Rural zone less than 60 hectares in area, and this would be incompatible with the intended character of the Rural zone and undermine the FNQ Regional Plan.”

In general, a subdivision to create a new rural lot less than 60 hectares in area will not be supported under the amended planning scheme.

“I acknowledge the State’s concerns with the existing planning scheme and recognised the importance of strengthening the planning scheme’s protection of the Rural zone,” Mayor Toppin said.

On 18 August, the Deputy Premier gave permission for council to proceed to the public consultation of the planning scheme amendment. Public consultation is open now until 27 September 2023. 

During the consultation period, any person may make a properly made submission to council in relation to the proposed amendment.

Details of the proposed amendment are available on council’s website and can be viewed at the Mareeba Shire Council Chambers, 65 Rankin Street, Mareeba.


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