
Community & Business

25 October, 2022

'Queenagers’ Wellbeing and Friendship Day

LOCAL veterans got together last Friday for a special Senior’s Week event at the Malanda Hotel, promoting physical and mental health for veteran women and the men in their lives.

Morning tea organising committee Helen Graham, Tracey Jenkins, Tanslee Curcio, Karen Waite, Sylvia Boakes, Denise Brackley, Beth Auer and Margaret Plant.
Morning tea organising committee Helen Graham, Tracey Jenkins, Tanslee Curcio, Karen Waite, Sylvia Boakes, Denise Brackley, Beth Auer and Margaret Plant.

The ‘Queenagers’ Wellbeing and Friendship Day brought together local veteran women and gave them a chance to mix and bond with other veterans. 

A joint venture run by Women Veterans, Operation Blankie and Tablelands Partners of Veterans, the day featured guest speakers, a mini cent sale and lucky prizes.

The Malanda RSL Sub-Branch and the FND RSL Qld sponsored the event

Millie Minchin and Joan Robinson caught up at the morning tea.
Millie Minchin and Joan Robinson caught up at the morning tea.
Sue Hudson, Terry Edmondson and Gill Attewell enjoyed the day’s events.
Sue Hudson, Terry Edmondson and Gill Attewell enjoyed the day’s events.

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