
Community & Business

18 August, 2022

School grows with plants

WITH caring for the environment a top priority at Yungaburra State School, students recently got busy planting 20 new native trees donated by Tablelands Regional Council.

Yungaburra State School principal Jo McDougall and environmental leader Joey Donald with their new plants.
Yungaburra State School principal Jo McDougall and environmental leader Joey Donald with their new plants.

Students spent the day exploring their school grounds, finding the perfect place to plant their new trees.

Principal Jo McDougall said the activity was a great way for the students to get out and about and learn about the importance of planting trees.

“They chose areas bordering the spacious oval, special gardens and our already established rainforest walk to plant the trees,” she said. 

“Every student chose a tree, planted it in the ground, watered it in and some were even given names.

“It was such a special opportunity to contribute to the natural environment of the school and for the students to form a special and long-lasting connection to the school.”


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