Community & Business
25 March, 2023
Sewer tender awarded
A $3.7 million contract for the upgrade of the Bi-centennial Lakes trunk gravity sewer main has been awarded.

The job, which was awarded to FGF Developments Pty Ltd, will address capacity issues associated with the existing sewer, according to Mareeba Shire Mayor Angela Toppin.
“The alignment connects the section of the sewer main that has been upgraded under the Mason Street sewer upgrade project, completed in 2021 at Rankin Street, with the Granite Creek pump station at Byrnes Street,” she said.
A section of the water main at Keeble Street and Jacobsen Street will also be relocated.
The project is required to be practically completed by June 2024 and council officers will now proceed into entering precontract negotiations with FGF Developments Pty Ltd to finalise the project start date.
“Works will generally be limited to the road reserve between the edge of the road and property boundary, and residents will be advised accordingly, when the project details are finalised,” Mayor Toppin said.
“I would like to thank residents for their patience while we complete this important infrastructure project. The new sewer pipeline will have the capacity to meet the needs of Mareeba now and into the future.”
The project is being funded by the Queensland Resilience and Risk Reduction Fund (QRRRF), administered through the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.