
Community & Business

29 January, 2023

Successful grant gives arts theatre better air

AIR purifiers will be installed in Atherton Performing Arts’ theatre after the group were successful in obtaining a grant from the Federally-funded Strengthening Rural Communities – Rebuilding Regional Com-munities (RRC) program.

Successful grant gives arts theatre better air - feature photo

The $7103 grant will enable 12 air purifiers to be installed to protect performers, audiences and others by removing airborne pathogens from inside the facility.

Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government Minister Catherine King said the Federal Government was committed to backing regional, rural and remote communities, which continued to face challenges from the pandemic.

“That’s why we’ve invested $5 million towards this vital program, which is already supporting some incredible community-led initiatives that are making a real difference in their regions,” she said


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