
On The Land

26 February, 2023

Support for banana growers

BANANA growers will continue to receive support to invest in the future of their farming businesses, and the health of the Great Barrier Reef, thanks to new funding for the Banana Best Management Practice (BMP) program.

Support for banana growers - feature photo

The Queensland Government has committed $3.76 million to Banana BMP, allowing the program to continue until at least 2026.

The Banana BMP project, which began in 2018, is delivered by the Australian Banana Growers’ Council (ABGC). It supports growers to self-assess their own practices, and where possible, make improvements based on expert advice.

ABGC chair Stephen Lowe said he was pleased the Queensland Government had made such a significant investment to support the state’s banana growers.

“This will allow growers to continue to implement best management practice on their farms,” he said.

“It is a practical example of the government backing growers to farm sustainably in the Wet Tropics and Cape York. Our growers are embracing practices that are critical for productivity and profitability, but also for improving water quality.

“We take our role as land stewards for the next generation very seriously, and this investment is further evidence of that.”

In the previous phase of the project, more than 2500 hectares of banana production saw changes to farming practices. This represents more than 25 per cent of the total area under bananas in reef catchments.

Growers interested in finding out more about grants or the Banana BMP project more broadly can email


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