
Community & Business

20 February, 2024

what you said in our Express Yourself Community Survey

MORE than 1000 people from across the Tablelands took the time out to complete the first ever Express Yourself Community Survey and the results show clearly what we value about living in our region and what we want.

what you said in our Express Yourself Community Survey - feature photo

The Express thanks all those who responded, allowing us to be a voice for the community.

Not surprisingly, most of the responses (64%) came from the region’s two biggest urban centres, with Mareeba locals submitting 41% of the total responses while 22% came from Atherton.

Older people make up the majority of respondents, with 83% over 46 years of age, and 60% of all those who did the survey have lived in the region for more than two decades.

Retirees made up 40% of respondents, while 56% said they worked in the Mareeba Shire or in the Tablelands Regional Council area.

Only 14% of respondents rented their home, and 41% of those said they had found it more difficult to get a rental in the past 12 months.

πŸŒ† What town do you live in, or near?

41% - Mareeba

22% - Atherton

6.1% - Malanda

4.5% - Tolga

4.3% - Yungaburra

3.8% - Ravenshoe

2.2% - Millaa Millaa

1.9% - Dimbulah

1.7% - Herberton

1.7% - Kuranda

1.4% - Walkamin

Other towns rated below 1%.

🏠 How long have you lived in the Tablelands Regional Council area or in Mareeba Shire?

38% - 20+ years

22% - All my life

19% - 10-20 years

11% - 5-10 years

9.7% - 0-5 years

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Tell us your age group:

56% - 61-85 years

27% - 46-60 years

9% - 36-45 years

5.5% - 21-35 years

2.1% - 85+ years

1.3% - 16-20 years

πŸ’Ό Where do you work?

56% - In our region (TRC and Mareeba Shire)

40% - Don't work (retired)

2.9% - In Cairns

🏘️ Do you own your home or rent?

86% - Own

14% - Rent

🏘️ Did you find it difficult to find a rental in the past 12 months?

47% - No

41% - Yes

7.3% - No, but it cost me more

4.5% - No, but it took longer

πŸŒ„ What do you value most about living in our region:

66% - Wonderful weather (cooler than coast)

60% - Living in the country, but access to a city

58% - Peace and quiet

38% - Not so many people

37% - The wonderful environment

31% - Close to family and friends

28% - Easy access to fresh produce and other foods

26% - No traffic congestion

26% - Smaller communities where everyone knows each other

22% - Very few traffic lights

21% - More community spirit

9.1% - Affordable housing/property

πŸ‘Ž What do you dislike about living in our region:

61% - Poor condition of roads

59% - Lack of specialist medical services

56% - Have to go to Cairns for medical issues

25% - Lack of department and specialty stores

20% - Lack of restaurant choices

11% - Not enough things to do

5.7% - Nothing

5.4% - Not enough night life

πŸ›£οΈ Are you in favour of an alternative road route from the Northern Tablelands to Cairns?

92% - Yes

8% - No

πŸ›£οΈ How urgent do you think this road is needed?

75.1% - Urgently needed

15.7% - In next 5 years

5.2% - In next 10 years

3.9% - No rush

πŸ›£οΈ Do you feel safe driving the Kuranda Range Road?

42.5% - Never, I'm always wary

42.2% - Not when it rains

28.7% - Not in heavy rain

22.1% - Not at night

9.4% - Yes, all the time


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