

6 December, 2022

Will named youth cup mascot

AFTER barely just one season rolling the arm over for the Atherton Cricket Club, junior Will Watson has been named as the mascot of the U16s Bulls Masters Youth Cup as they play in Cairns this weekend.

Atherton Cricket Club president Tony Potts with young Atherton cricketer Will Watson who has been chosen as the team mascot for the U16s Bulls Masters Youth Cup side due to play in Cairns this weekend
Atherton Cricket Club president Tony Potts with young Atherton cricketer Will Watson who has been chosen as the team mascot for the U16s Bulls Masters Youth Cup side due to play in Cairns this weekend

The eight-year-old had only just started playing cricket before he had an accident involving a ride-on lawn mower last year and damaged his legs – he just had a major operation on them a few weeks ago.

“The operation was successful but there is nothing saying when he will be back or if he will be back playing cricket,” Atherton Cricket Club president Tony Potts said.

“He went and tried at master blasters but this season he stepped up to tier one with the hard ball.”

Cricket Far North and Queensland Country Cricket both agreed to make Will the mascot for the U16 Bulls Masters Youth Cup team after Potts’ suggestion.

The team will play other representative teams from across the North over the weekend and Will is going to be staying down with and supporting the team during their games.

Atherton already have a healthy number of juniors selected for the U16 side and will now have one of their youngest players as team mascot.


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