
General News

14 March, 2024

2024 local government elections 2

THE LAST WORD Mareeba Shire Councillor Candidates

2024 local government elections 2 - feature photo


I migrated to Australia as a child and grew up on a tobacco farm in Dimbulah so I understand what hard work is and the challenges farmers face. After retiring as a high school teacher and working in several jobs, I was elected as a Councillor in 2020. 

I offer a wealth of life experiences. As a councillor, knowing our vast and diverse shire and understanding the needs and aspirations of the 15 communities is of paramount importance.

Maintaining our asset base of 2300km council roads (1650km unsealed), bridges, parks and open spaces, 10 waste transfer stations etc. with an annual budget of $85m is challenging. Despite setbacks (Covid, broken supply chains), council has delivered many projects while remaining financially sustainable.

If I am elected, I will advocate for alternate route to Kuranda Range; Mareeba Bypass; sealing Ootann Road and the B.D.R; community safety through government-funded CCTV and remote/relocation sentencing; Specialised Health Services; water security, upgrading sporting precincts; Barron River Esplanade; outdoor entertainment/performance venue; and refurbishing Byrnes Street and Coondoo Street and much more.

I offer strong, transparent, accountable leadership and accessibility. It’s been an honour to have served you for the past four years—it would be a privilege to serve you for another four.



With close to 30 years working in Agriculture, I have provided advice on all things pest and food related, both as an independent Pest Scout in LW Crop Services, and as a life member of the Seed Savers Network. 

From my background in DAF, CSIRO and AQIS, both in research and “on the ground”, I understand how important it is to provide appropriate and timely solutions. 

Change can be expensive and we need a smooth-running bureaucracy. As a Mareeba resident for 20 years, I’ve listened to the problems faced by people living and working in the shire. With my proven research skills, practical experience and genuine respect for our evolving community, I am committed to working to provide sustainable solutions together, tackling youth crime and supporting road infrastructure.

I will take your stories to council and speak for all residents with fairness and dignity. I am a Scientist in touch with today’s needs and will fight for the right way.



I thoroughly enjoy serving as one of your Councillors, representing all our Mareeba Shire communities. Over the past two terms, it's been an absolute honour. 

While our roles as councillors don't come with specific portfolios, I find myself particularly drawn to issues surrounding sustainability and waste management, roads, and tourism promotion.

Looking ahead to the next term, I've already initiated discussions with my fellow councillors about the need to focus on developing a comprehensive “Roads, Drainage, and Transport Strategy” for our Shire. 

I envision this strategy mirroring the successful implementation of our Parks and Open Spaces Strategy, which has greatly benefited our community.

As I stand for re-election, you'll find my name at the bottom of the ballot paper. I ask for your support in choosing me in your mix of six. Together, we can ensure that the decisions made at the council level continue to steer us towards being recognised as a resilient, sustainable, and thriving Shire.



On election day, this Saturday 16 March, you must vote at a polling booth in your local government area.

Biboohra - State School, Petersen Street, Biboohra 

Chillagoe - State School, Cathedral Street, Chillagoe 

Dimbulah - State School, Kennedy Street, Dimbulah

Herberton - Shire Hall, Cnr Grace and William Streets

Julatten - State School, Euluma Creek Road, Julatten 

Kuranda - CWA Hall, Thongon Street, Kuranda

Mareeba - State School, Constance Street, Mareeba

Mutchilba -  State School, Marsterson Street, Mutchilba

Speewah - Fire Shed, Cnr Speewah Road and William Smith Drive, Speewah


In one four-year term, the council I’ve led has dealt with Covid, inflation and interest rates, record land valuation spikes (twice), economic growth that leads the Far North region, unprecedented population growth and surging development approvals. It’s been an extraordinary time to be on Council.

In order to meet this growing demand, this council has worked on reforming the organisation. The reforms are designed to drive greater efficiency, lift standards and deliver projects on time and on budget.  The reforms are ongoing, improving community outcomes and will underpin both the Council’s and community’s greatest asset, our workforce.

Council is acutely aware of the cost-of-living pressures the community is currently experiencing. So, in addition to seeking organisational efficiencies and minimising costs, council will be closely attuned to the pressures rates and charges are having on ratepayers.

Finally, the TRC has had a new Mayor and almost completely new council every four years since 2008. It’s not in the organisation’s or community’s interest, for that churn to continue. 

It’s critical we bed down the reforms we’ve instituted, mature as an organisation and back ourselves to get things done. If re-elected Mayor, I’ll bring stability with the same vision, resolve and leadership.



My guiding principles for election in 2024 are:

• Active and robust representation

• Commitment to listening and


• Openness and frankness

• Restoration of community trust

Specific things that I will be pushing for if you elect me as your Mayor are:

• The Service Review recommendations into TRC operations need to be urgently implemented and some services provided by council may have to be trimmed to release funds for road, bridge and culvert repair.

• Improved relationships with the TRC community at all levels is absolutely vital, particularly direct to council through Advisory Committees – Agriculture; Business, Industry and Transport; and Tourism to name three vital committees. 

I am adamant that improved trust and confidence by the community in the TRC is essential and must be improved. The reason I am standing as Mayor is that strong, direct and consultative leadership is a special skill which I believe is fundamental for any civic leader and I believe I can stand up to the task.

If you elect me the TRC will be closer to the people, more responsive to the community and more efficient and effective than it has been for a long time.


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