
General News

13 March, 2024

2024 local government elections

THE LAST WORD Mareeba Shire Councillor Candidates

2024 local government elections - feature photo


I’m a Mareeba local currently a MSC Councillor, standing for re-election. At the moment I have two terms of experience as a Councillor, one of them being in Hughenden.

My experience covers several areas including - horticulture, aviation, agriculture, livestock, mining, heavy machinery and road construction. This gives me a wide scope to make informed decisions in our best interests.

My goals for Mareeba Shire include the following:

• Remain financially viable, while providing core services.

• Grow our shire, growing the airport, the industrial estate, improving the road access corridor to Cairns and sealing the Ootann Road for heavy transport and general vehicle use, resulting in increased employment, housing development and a growth in rate base.

• Look after roads, rubbish and rates. Implement strategies to increase performance and minimise potential rate rises.

• Advocate for aged care services/housing, youth crime and improved medical services.

• Ensure that all communities have equal access to council representation and communication.

• Maintain a high liveability standard for our community, and

• Water security for our farmers. Lobby to build another dam.

My job is to represent you in achieving these goals.



Having immigrated to Australia at a young age, I learnt the need for developing a strong work ethic if there were to be opportunities to achieve the best possible outcomes for my family and the broader community in which we live.

It is this work ethic that has enabled me to serve the Australian community both nationally and internationally with dedicated service as an Army reservist and a career in the Australian Federal Police spanning more than three decades performing leadership roles when deployed on international peace keeping missions.

I know how critical the need is to listen and act on community concerns in a timely manner. I also understand the value of developing legitimate partnerships and the value of cohesive team work to bring about the best possible outcomes for communities

As the current chairman and a founding member of the Far North Queensland - Volunteer Area Committee of Crime Stoppers, I am committed to ensuring the Mareeba Shire remains safe for both my family and yours.

While some candidates may debate the effectiveness of council regulations and policy, history will show my common-sense approach to achieving fair and reasonable outcomes for all constituents of the Mareeba Shire Council. This is why I say I am the right choice for your voice in these elections.



With 11 candidates vying for six seats, Mareeba Shire residents have an opportunity, now, to set the standard for the next four years of local government.

The councillors elected in 2024 will be responsible for decisions that will shape our future.

From delivering operational and capital works valued in excess of $70 million annually, to contributing to the review of the FNQ Regional Plan, and implementing sustainable waste, water and asset management practices, the new council must ensure that its policies support the future growth and prosperity of the shire.  

In 2024, I am ready to serve, ready to contend with the challenges we will face in the years ahead and ready to advocate for a brighter future for the entire Mareeba Shire.

I am proud to have run a fully independent and self-managed campaign - one underscored by genuine communication with residents across the Mareeba Shire. 

When casting your vote, my advice is to choose candidates who propose realistic, workable solutions. Our new council must represent the entire shire, prioritise financial stability and be committed to working together towards a clear vision for the future.



I was born in Mossman and raised in Julatten, then left the region before finally moving back to the Far North in 2000. In 2004, I started my own business working in the waste industry.

I was a councillor for Mareeba Shire from 2014-2020. After four years on the sidelines, I find I still have the passion and desire to help our communities and represent our residents.

Communities are the lifeblood of our shire. Each one is unique and they provide opportunities for local businesses which provides more employment, more people living in the community. Stronger communities lead to a stronger central hub – Mareeba.

Everything we do has to be sustainable - economically, environmentally and socially. I will work to establish regular public forums in a nominated neutral venue where all elected councillors attend and field questions from the floor. I will also advocate for the livestreaming of council meetings.

Everybody deserves to feel safe in our shire. When they don’t, even though it is not within council’s control, we should work with locals, police, government departments, and with State and Federal members to search for a solution because if it affects our residents, it affects us as councillors.

Include me in your 6 and, together, we can make a difference.


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