

14 January, 2023

A celebration of the classical guitar

TABLELANDS Music Lovers is giving locals the chance to learn more about the influences of the classical guitar as they host a Special Celebration of the Classical Guitar event next Saturday night.

A celebration of the classical guitar - feature photo

The event will be held at Hallorans Hill Centre starting at 5.30pm and will be finishing around 9pm with the bar open and nibbles available, there will be a $10 entry cost per person to be paid at the door.

Well known local guitarist Bruce Thompson will be the master of ceremonies for the night and will be joined by two local musicians, Michael Dur-rand and Matt Krolic.

Tablelands Music Lovers president Colin Trigwell is inviting people along to experience passionate guitarist share their talents.

“Tablelands Music Lovers is pre-senting two local musicians who both have a passion for classical guitar,” he said.

“Micheal Durran is a music teacher in Malanda and is a classically trained guitarist, he will be playing a selection from his extensive collection of classical songs.

“Matt Krolic has a passionate love of the guitar, he will be playing a selection of classical songs and assort-ed modern theme songs.”

This event is also a Tablelands Music Lovers fundraiser, for more in-formation and to book your spot call 0482 176 462.


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