Community & Business
4 May, 2023
Arts receive funding
FOUR artistic ventures have received a funding boost from Mareeba Shire Council’s Regional Arts Development Fund.
The four grants, totaling $10,117, will assist projects in Chillagoe, Julatten/Mt Molloy and Kuranda.
The Centre for Australasian Theatre received $3000 to develop and present “Avatar in the Multiverse Youth Perfor-mance, which involves youth from the Mt Molloy/Julatten area.
The funding will pay for three week-end workshops during which youth will create and rehearse a new, non-text-based performance that encourages youth to build awareness of their life and tell their stories.
Gulf Savannah NRM’s “Earth & Country Indigenous Art Celebration” also received $3,000 to host a family ori-ented, reconciliation event – a weekend of information sharing and celebration of traditional, Indigenous arts and culture.
Activities will include traditional owner discussions and ceremony, shar-ing space, participatory traditional weav-ing, painting and storytelling workshops, children's activities and music.
Kuranda based silversmith and glass artist Kate Prynne received a $1500 grant to fund a five-day advanced Glass Masterclass in the United Kingdom. The class will provide skills in advanced surface manipulation and decorative finish-es and help to raise the artist’s profile to
become one of the leading glass artists in North Queensland.
Ms Prynne will bring back her newly acquired skills to the Kuranda community and share them with others.
The Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre received $2617 for the “Paint the Nest” project which involves a local First Na-tions artist working alongside youth to paint a unique artwork featuring local birds on the front of “The Nest” a well-used, community space located at the Kuranda Neighbourhood Centre.
The artwork will help to promote the space as a safe, user-friendly facility for all and enhance youth connection and pride in the community.