
Community & Business

11 November, 2022

Award recognises Khan’s commitment to community

AS MAN who is always there for his community, senior paramedic Charles Khan was recently awarded with a certificate from the Attorney General to commemorate his 25th year as a Justice of the Peace (JP).

Member for Hill Shane Knuth presenting Dimbulah senior paramedic Charles Khan with his 25-year certificate for his service as a Justice of the Peace.
Member for Hill Shane Knuth presenting Dimbulah senior paramedic Charles Khan with his 25-year certificate for his service as a Justice of the Peace.

Member for Hill Shane Knuth had the honour of awarding Mr Khan with his certificate and was impressed with Mr Khan’s outstanding achievements as a JP for the last two and a half decades, a paramedic for the 28 years and as an auxiliary firefighter since 2005.

Mr Khan first became a paramedic in July 1994 and was stationed in Mareeba, he then moved to Dimbulah in 1996 where he met his wife and has been the local paramedic ever since.

“My former boss is the one that requested I become a JP to help QPS at the time and on 18 April 1997, it was official,” he said.

“Since then, I have done my best to help the community where I can – these sorts of services are especially needed in smaller communities.

“I enjoy being a JP and I like to do it, if you can help your community where you can it is a great feeling to be able to give back.”


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