

13 February, 2023

Basketball tips off in Mareeba

FOLLOWING on from their most successful season in recent history, Mareeba Basketball has tipped off their 2023 season and is encouraging and new fans to get involved in the sport.

Basketball tips off in Mareeba - feature photo

Diehard basketball fans and new players alike enjoyed the revival of Mareeba Basketball last year as the club offered basketball to all interested players across male and female competitions from five years and up.

Now heading into 2023, the committee is hoping to go from strength to strength and offer another amazing season with some hopeful new additions to the format in the works.

Club treasurer Andy Harris the season was already looking promising with a healthy number of players turning up to the come and try days last week.

“We are hopeful on building on last year’s success and we were excited to see the numbers that turned up to our open days last week,” he said.

“We are hopeful that more people will come along and play as the season progresses.

“Basketball is a fun and exciting game and our club is open and welcomes players of all ages and ability.”

Despite the recent resurrection of the club, there is still a need for volunteers and anyone interested is encouraged to contact the committee.

“The Mareeba club is a small club run by volunteers and our aim is to give everyone the opportunity to play the game we love regardless of age or ability,” Mr Harris said.

“Additionally, we aim to keep fees as low as possible given the cost-of-living pressures everyone is under at the moment, for example, to register a child over 10 years old will cost $150 for the entire year.”

If you would like to register your interest in volunteering, please contact the executive committee at

Looking into the future the club is hoping to host some inter-town competitions and either upgrades to their existing hall on Walsh Street or an entirely new facility.


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